Thursday, June 14, 2007

Italian Leather Boots Are Bellisimo!

On every corner, in every shop, there is a plethora of leather. Leather purses, leather gloves, shoes, books, belts, anything you can image. Since my first walking trip on the first day, I have been seriously infatuation with a pair of absolutely gorgeous leather boots in a store window. Miss Sixty’s store window to be exact. Now, some of you may not be familiar or have forgotten my list of things I wish to accomplish in Florence, which is extremely important for this particular blog, so here is a refresher…
Eat as much gelato as I can
Make friends with some Italians
Visit everything on Kate’s list
Travel as much as possible
Ride on a moped with an Italian boy
Buy a leather purse
Find Amy Jo and BC’s old apartment
Go to a beach
Find a place that plays live Italian music
Number 10 is officially crossed off the list as of today. Before anyone freaks out about this seemingly impulse purchase (mother and possibly grandmother), let me explain. I have walked past that particular window every day, twice a day, or more, and have also kept an eye out for other boots to compare. I describe it as quick and efficient research. I also believe that when in Florence do as the Florentines do. Florentines buy leather boots. I am trying to immerse myself in the culture, that’s all.

Today I also accomplished number 6 on the list, a soft, natural brown leather purse. It too has been starring at me for days now. With classes not starting until 2 today, I just had to make the trip to the mercato and check it out. The mercato literally sucks you into its rows upon rows of nic-nacs and handmade goods and will not release you until something is purchased. I tried to explore some other purse options because there are hundreds, but this one particular purse kept following me! What the heck! So I decided to buy and found a stand run by the most bargainable guy in the mercato. It was a piece of cake getting to the price I wanted and I would like to thank my blonde hair for all its help. Blonde hair in Italy is a whole other story, but some people are just fascinated by it. The new purse and I loved showing off together around the streets and in class today. We were turning heads and making people jealous all over the place. Leather is definitely my new best friend.

Quick side note…I saw a bride and groom taking wedding pictures on the Ponte Vecchio today. What a lucky couple. I took a picture, but still cannot seem to figure out this picture posting on the blog. Oh well.

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